Hello, well it's been a little while since my last post so I thought I'd ramble on for a bit here. I checked my grade online and I got an A. I kinda figured I did and I really didn't care so much since I took the class to increase my skill not for a degree or anything. But, it was still cool to see. While I was on the Palomar site I checked the schedule for next fall semester and the same teacher is going to have a Drawing 2 class in the same slot so I think I will be taking that class.
As far as this summer goes I'm not taking any classes because they were all durning the day and I can't do that with work. I am planning on still drawing more to keep in practice so I'll post whatever I'm plating with. I found out that a gallery in Balboa Park offers life drawing models on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for $15 so I think I will go and check that out. I've never tried it before so it should be fun. Hopefully they will have a little bit of instruction too.
Take care, I'll be back soon.