
More Grisaille layering!!!!!!!!!

Welllllll, this last class was pretty good. The teacher did a demo of starting the color layer. I didn't get to the color layer. I wanted to go lighter on the background to get a better contrast between the teapot, oranges and the background. I brought it home so I can work on it more, maybe get to trying the color mixing.

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Grasielle layer

OK here's from last weeks class (2nd class). This is the next layer of painting that was done in Van Dyke Brown and white. The whole idea is to layer in the different values of the composition. I was also using Liquin paint medium mixed in.

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Here's the underpainting done in burnt umber and Gamsol mineral spirits. The mineral spirits were used to make the paint more translucent and lighter.

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It's a new semester at Palomar!

OK, I'm back from the winter break and this semester it's oil painting. When I started going to art school like 2 years ago the whole idea was that I wanted to try oil painting. I started with learning to draw and now....finally...I'm taking oil painting. This is from the first class. We had to do a sketch on the 18 x 24" canvas from a still life that the teacher set up.

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