
Here's the latest in class assignment. We had to draw an arrow on a white piece of paper. We have to draw the paper/arrow on matching Canson paper (the green one) in white and black charcoal and colored pencil then fold the paper and do it again, then fold it again draw the 2 folds. Sounds odd but I'll have more pics as I go. It's pretty tough just getting the right perspective.


I just got done reading a book that was on the teachers recommended reading list. It was very cool and explored the understanding of drawing for the sake of seeing the world around us. This is a difficult thing to conceptualize sometimes but I felt Franck did a great job of it. Franck describes a life of wonder and 'seeing' as cataloged in the drawings that appear througout the book. He depicts life of Kyoto, Prague, Rome and NY in his sketches but the underlying tone is in drawing to draw / see. He also parallels drawing to the art of the haiku which also serves as an active observation to life adn the world around us. My favorite quote from this book is a haiku by Angelus Silesius: The rose is without why it blossoms because it blossoms