
Oil painting is over..........

And here is my final project painting from oil painting class. The assignment was to paint a self portrait using a mirror not a photo. I went for extreme close up in monochrome. It has about 7 to 10 layers now. I think it still could use work but this is how I turned it in.

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Another one from my sketchbook

This was from the same session.

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Sketches from life drawing

Here's a 20 min foot study from my sketchbook. This was a week and a half ago.

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Oil Painting class is coming to a close

Well here's the initial line work for the final project in Oil Painting class for the semester. The assignment is a self portrait. I've done enough self portraits for different art classes at this point that this was not very interesting to me. So, with all that I think I'm going to go for an extreme close up kinda thing. I'm also thinking of doing it with one color...maybe blue or purple. Dunno.

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Life Drawing

Here's a 30 min sketch in charcoal from last night. Overall is was fun. I'm finally starting to get the hang of faces and heads. The semester is almost over and I am going to miss the easy access to drawing live models over the summer.

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