
Here's a quick shot from the Palomar Art Dept. Open house. These are all Drawing & Comp 1 Student work (I have 3 pieces up there). No Jury involved just gave 'em to the teacher. Overall, I was inpressed with the Palomar Art dept. in general. It's really huge compared to other community colleges that I've been to. The student work is also pretty top notch in all the different areas, glass blowing, oils, drawing, pottery, metal working, stained glass etc.


Well here goes the beginning of my class final exam. The original Picasso is shown in an earlier posting if you wanna check it out. The media is Caran d'ache Aquaelle Neocolor 2 water soluble crayons. The paper is 190lb white watercolor paper. The paper was stretched on canvas stretcher bars after wetting w/ a spray bottle then stapled to the bars. It dried very nice and tight like a drum. This keeps the paper from ripppling up when it gets wet from doing washes with the crayons. This is my first time using the Aquaelles but I like them a lot so far. They have a very good consistency for working with and mix well. This is going to take a long time, I can tell already, I wish I would have started sooner, lol.

Good afternoon. Here is the latest in class assignment that I've been working on. It is a complex still life with simple lighting. It is the one that the previous contour drawings were made from. This is charcoal on Strathmore charcoal paper. It's almost done, although after taking a picture of it I realized that I still had a ways to go with the shadowing as well as highlights. What has been tough is resetting up the composition in class each time...the lighting and positioning changes each time. So far so good though.